Safe Travel to and from Caves Beach Public School
Schools and parents have a responsibility to promote appropriate behaviour and safety of students travelling to and from school. The school’s Discipline Policy includes a statement covering appropriate behaviour while travelling to and from school. It reads:
Children have the right to travel to and from school safely. Children are expected to:
1. Observe the road rules
2. Respect the rights and property of others
3. Behave sensibly and responsibly
Students have a responsibility to meet community, school and parental expectations in this regard.
The school’s intensive Road Safety Program, including bus safety and bike safety, reinforces behaviour expectations.
Parents (inclusive of guardians and legal guardians), caregivers, student transport providers, police and members of the public have a role to play in ensuring the protection and welfare of students in travelling to and from schools. The Principal and teaching staff have an educative role to assist in providing for the welfare and safety of students travelling to and from school.
· Pupils walking to school must use the supervised crossing in front of the High School when crossing Park Avenue.
· Primary children ONLY may ride bikes to school and ALL children riding a bike to school MUST wear a safety helmet. If a child in Infants wants to ride, they must be under the direct supervision of a Parent/Carer (not older siblings).
· Bicycles must NOT be ridden or scootered in the school grounds or along the footpath from Park Avenue.
· Children riding scooters must follow the same rules as bike riders.
· No riding of skateboards.
· Pupils are not to run on concrete areas.